Monday, July 4, 2011

The Fun Begins?

What a busy weekend....

Spencee (or Spencer:) worked his booty off this weekend at the house. I hate that I can't really help right now because I watch my tiny (Hudson), but hopefully when my parents come again I will be able to get my hands dirty. Many of you are probably thinking, "Let him do it," but I LOOVVEEE ripping stuff up and making things pretty again so this is killing me!

He spent time getting off all baseboards, ripping up carpet and getting the staples out of the floor. He was happy with what he accomplished on his own this week and I am proud of him. I will say, if we want to move in by October we might need to eventually speed up the process but for working alone, it was a job WELL done:) My sweetie is the Jam.

Yucky yucky carpet
so long baseboards!

My sweetie working hard!

the next project...literally borders in EVERY room

We've got a fridge

Until next weekend!!

Love love love